Updated December 14th, 2020 at 11:19 IST

Gunman shot dead by police outside New York City Cathedral during Christmas concert

An armed gunman was fatally shot by the police on the footsteps of a landmark New York City Cathedral on December 13 after he began firing two handguns.

Reported by: Aanchal Nigam
| Image:self

An armed gunman was fatally shot by the police on the footsteps of a landmark New York City Cathedral on December 13 after he began firing two semiautomatic handguns at the end of a Christmas choral concert, police said. As per reports and police updates, the gunfire had begun little before 4 PM (local time) on Sunday almost immediately after an annual Christmas concert program, at the mother church of the Episcopal Diocese of New York, the Cathedral of Saint John the Divine. 

The gunman was reportedly engaged by the police officer and community affairs detective already at the scene along with the aid offered by closeby sergeant. New York Police Department (NYPD) Commissioner Dermot Shea said at the news briefing several hours following the incident that between the three officers, at least 15 rounds were fired. The gunman was struck in the head and taken to a nearby hospital where he was reportedly pronounced dead. 

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Shooting at NYC Cathedral: As it happened

The concert, that was held at the cathedral steps concluded after 45 minutes. However, as the crowd reportedly of several hundred people began drifting away, the gunman started firing. It further triggered people running down Amsterdam Avenue reportedly screaming and diving to the sidewalk. Dermot Shea, who admitted that “It is by the grace of God today” that no one besides the gunman was hurt in the incident, the detective, a sergeant and a police officer were 
Able to shot the man after 15 rounds.

As per reports, the gunman was dressed in black with his face obscured by a white baseball cap along with a facemask. He not only had a silver pistol in one hand but a black one in another as he stepped from behind a stone column, top of the staircase. NYPD Commissioner said that witnesses have reported, the gunman was yelling “kill me” as he fired. 

Even though the name of the gunman was not immediately released by the police, Shea said that the man had a lengthy criminal history. NYPD Commissioner said that the gunman had a backpack containing a can of gasoline, rope, wire, tape, knives, along with a well-worn Bible. As details emerge, it still remains unclear if the man was aiming at the people or firing in the air. 

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Image: AP


Published December 14th, 2020 at 11:10 IST