Updated August 29th, 2020 at 11:45 IST

Man shot near White House by Secret Service was holding a black comb: Report

The Secret Service officer who shot a black man outside the White House mistook a black comb for a gun, said reportedly the affidavit filed on Wednesday,

Reported by: Aanchal Nigam
| Image:self

The Secret Service officer who shot a black man outside the White House earlier this month leading to abrupt walkaway of US President Donald Trump from press briefing, mistook a black comb for a gun, said reportedly an affidavit filed Wednesday, August 26. According to international media reports, Myron Berryman was summoned before the court over the charge of simple assault of a law enforcement officer after the August 10 incident when he was shot in the torso by the Secret Service on the corner of 17th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue NW.

Even though Berryman, who is recovering from his injury in the psychiatric hospital, did not appear physically in court, his attorney Daniel K Dorsey filed a not guilty plea for the misdemeanour charge. If convicted, the 51-year-old faced up to six months in jail or a fine up to $1,000 or both. However, as reported being US media outlets, the affidavit has claimed that the surveillance cameras have revealed that the object that fell out of Berryman’s hand was in fact, a black comb. 

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On August 11, the Secret Service had interrupted Trump’s press briefing and escorted him out of the area as a safety precaution. After the brief pause, officials had confirmed that the White House complex was not breached during the incident and no Secret Service officers were in danger. Earlier, AP had cited two officials familiar with the matter saying that Berryman was threatening to kill people near the White House but was apparently unarmed. 

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Court documents against Berryman

Meanwhile, the court documents have reportedly said that Berryman had approached an unidentified officer saying ‘he’s armed’ before walking away. The documents added that the officer said, the 51-year-old then turned around, rushed in his direction while reaching to his right side ‘as if to retrieve an object’. This was followed by Berryman placing his body in a 'shooting stance' leading to the Secret Service officer opening fire and wounding the black man. 

CNN reported that the court documents have also said, Berryman had allegedly told the police while still being in the hospital on August 17 that he was only released from a psychiatric hospital three days before the August 11 incident and is suffering from schizophrenia. As per the 51-year-old’s interview with the police, the only thing that he remembers is lying on the ground with a black male officer leaning over him asking his name and telephone number. 

However, Dorsey reportedly declined to comment further on the entire case. Berryman, who is now ordered to stay away from the White House and the officer, is expected to be back in Washington, DC, Superior Court on January 28, 2021. 

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(Image credit: AP)


Published August 29th, 2020 at 11:45 IST