Updated September 30th, 2020 at 11:15 IST

US Presidential Debate 2020: Trump says 'we might not know' poll results for months

US President Donald Trump speaking at the Presidential debate said that the results of November 3 elections may not be known for months.

Reported by: Riya Baibhawi
| Image:self

US President Donald Trump speaking at the Presidential debate said that the results of November 3 elections may not be known for months. With just 34 days left for the Presidential elections, voters in America, on September 29, saw the first-ever debate between the Republican candidate and his electoral opponent Joe Biden. When asked if he would accept the outcome, the 74 year deflected the question giving no answer.

 "We might not know for months," Trump said of the results, adding later: "This is not going to end well.I'm urging my supporters to go into the polls and watch very carefully."

However, Democratic candidate Joe Biden pledged to accept the vote results. "If it's me, if it's not me, I'll support the outcome," he said. Biden also told Trump to 'shut up' during the debate, a comment that eventually set the precedent for a lot more chaos and shouting in the first major face-off, weeks before the election. 

Joe Biden during the first segment was asked by Chris Wallace on what he thought about packing the Supreme Court, asking him if he supported the same or stood for ending the filibuster. "Whatever position I take, it will become an issue," said Biden refusing to share his stance on the matter.

Read: US Elections: President Trump In Debate Prep Before Faceoff With Biden

Read: Donald Trump Slams 'fake Report' Claiming He Suggested Ivanka As His Running Mate In 2016

WATCH the full Trump-Biden First US Presidential Debate here:

The first debate was held in an atrium on Case Western University’s campus and the organisers had tried to maintain social distance between the audience by ensuring that they sit with one empty seat between them and the next person. Other topics that shaped the debate was the recent death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Trumps hurry to replace her.

Read: Full 1st US Presidential Debate 2020: Watch Donald Trump & Joe Biden Square Off

Read: Will You Shut Up man?: Biden Snapping At Trump In US Presidential Debate Already A T-shirt


Published September 30th, 2020 at 11:15 IST