Updated April 30th, 2024 at 21:56 IST

Consuming Ketchup Regularly? Side-effects Explained And Alternatives You Can Go For

While a small amount can indeed elevate a dish, overindulgence may lead to unwanted sugar intake. Know about some alternatives here.

Sugary condiments | Image:Unsplash

Condiments like ketchup and various sauces are staples at many dining tables, cherished for their ability to enhance the flavours of numerous dishes. However, they often contain surprisingly high levels of sugar, which could be a cause for dietary concern.

Ketchup contains about 7 percent of the daily value for sugar, significantly more than what is found in condiments such as mustard sauce or mayonnaise, as per a Healthline report. The sugar content in typical commercial condiments can range from 10-15 grams per serving, equivalent to about 2-3 teaspoons of added sugar, according to a Healthline report.


These added sugars are not just limited to the well-known white and brown sugars; they also include high-fructose corn syrup, glucose, fructose, agave nectar, among others. To avoid these hidden sugars, consumers are advised to read labels carefully, empowering them to make healthier choices by steering clear of these unexpected sugar traps.

Moderation in consumption

Portion control is key when it comes to using store-bought condiments. While a small amount can indeed elevate a dish, overindulgence may lead to unwanted sugar intake. Moderation allows enjoyment of enhanced flavours without the health risks associated with sugar overload.

The impacts of excessive sugar consumption are well-documented, affecting various bodily systems. It can contribute to weight gain, obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular issues, and dental problems like tooth decay and cavities. Furthermore, the initial sugar high is often followed by a rapid energy crash, leaving individuals feeling tired and lethargic.

Image credit: Unsplash
Image credit: Unsplash

Healthy alternatives to condiments

For those looking to reduce their sugar intake, natural alternatives offer flavourful, healthful benefits without the added sugars. Aromatic herbs and spices such as mint, coriander, cumin, and pepper can significantly enhance a dish's taste. Incorporating tangy vinegars like apple cider or rice vinegar into meals provides a refreshing zest, ideal for salads and dressings. Additionally, the bright flavors of citrus zest from lemons, limes, and oranges offer a delightful burst of flavor to a variety of dishes, providing a wholesome alternative to sugar-laden sauces.


Published April 30th, 2024 at 21:56 IST