Updated May 7th, 2024 at 18:47 IST

Understanding Hormonal Acne: Causes And Effective Treatment Options

Characterised by deep and painful cysts, primarily around the jawline, cheeks, and chin, this condition can persist beyond teenage years.

Hormonal acnHormonal acnee | Image:Unsplash

Hormonal acne, a prevalent skin concern affecting both adults and adolescents, often surfaces from underlying hormonal imbalances. Characterised by deep and painful cysts, primarily around the jawline, cheeks, and chin, this condition can persist beyond teenage years, troubling many well into adulthood.

The root cause of hormonal acne

Hormonal fluctuations primarily trigger this type of acne. These fluctuations can occur due to menstruation, menopause, increased androgen levels, stress, and hormonal disorders like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Androgens, male hormones present in both men and women, can cause enlarged oil glands and higher sebum production, leading to clogged pores and breakouts.


Image credit: Unsplash
Image credit: Unsplash

Recognising hormonal acne

Unlike typical acne, which may appear all over the face or body, hormonal acne typically clusters around the lower half of the face. These breakouts tend to be more inflamed, resulting in tender nodules under the skin rather than surface-level blackheads and whiteheads.


Managing hormonal acne

Retinoids: Derived from vitamin A, topical retinoids help promote cell turnover and prevent hair follicles from getting clogged.


Benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid: These can help reduce inflammation and clear up existing blemishes.

Image credit: Unsplash 
Image credit: Unsplash 

Oral medications

Birth control pills: Often prescribed to women experiencing hormonal acne, these can help regulate hormone levels.

Anti-androgen drugs: Such as spironolactone, these medications decrease the effect of androgens on the sebaceous glands.


Lifestyle adjustments

Diet: Reducing dairy intake and foods high in sugar may help manage acne, as these can cause spikes in certain hormones.


Stress management: Techniques such as yoga, meditation, and regular exercise can reduce stress and, by extension, stress-related acne.

Image credit: Unsplash
Image credit: Unsplash

Professional treatments

Consulting with a dermatologist is advisable. Treatments like chemical peels, laser therapy, or professional extractions can be effective under medical guidance.
Understanding and addressing the underlying hormonal issues is key to managing this persistent skin condition. With the right combination of treatments and lifestyle adjustments, those affected by hormonal acne can see significant improvement.


Published May 7th, 2024 at 18:47 IST