Updated August 23rd, 2020 at 11:57 IST

Turkey's ambition to become maritime powerhouse intensifies tensions in Mediterranean

Tensions have been rising between Greece and Turkey after Turkey sent a vessel to conduct a seismic research in the eastern Mediterranean recently.

Reported by: Nitika Sharma
| Image:self

Tensions have been rising between Greece and Turkey, both of whom have warships in the eastern Mediterranean after Turkey sent a vessel to conduct seismic research. Turkey’s big ambition to become a maritime powerhouse by pushing into the eastern Mediterranean with controversial gas drilling, warships and harsh rhetoric is rooted in a vision of Blue Homeland that takes over waters claimed by EU neighbours.

As per several reports, Turkish officials responsible for Blue Homeland (Mavi Vatan in Turkish) state that Greece's demands based on a handful of tiny islands are unfair since Turkey has larger territory in the eastern Mediterranean.  The ‘Blue Homeland’ doctrine’s author is Cem Gurdeniz. He first used the term ‘Mavi Vatan’ in 2006 when he was heading the nation’s navy plan and policy division.

Blue Homeland’s vision covers over 460,000 square kilometres of Turkey's maritime borders, including the water surrounding some of the Greek islands. Reportedly, Gurdeniz said that Blue Homeland is a concept which aims to define maritime jurisdiction areas surrounding Turkey. He also added that the nation needs to secure these areas for its defence, security and welfare.

As per several reports, Turkey had sent a research vessel and a small navy armada into seas that Greece views as its own which has escalated tensions between the two countries in the last week. Turkey has prompted fears of being denied a fair share of the region’s natural gas wealth. On August 21, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the discovery of the biggest-ever natural gas reserve off the Black Sea coast in country’s history.

Speaking about the discovery, Erdogan at a press conference said that Turkey’s drilling vessel Fatih found 320 billion cubic meters of the natural gas reserve during the exploration operations in the Tuna-1 sector in the western Black Sea. However, the new discovery has infuriated Greece and has also received repeated warnings from the European Union.  

Read: Greek FM: Turkey Threat To Peace In Mediterranean

Read: Erdogan Announces 'largest-ever' Gas Discovery In 'Turkey's History' Off Black Sea Coast

US Senators' call for sanctions on key sectors

France, which is already in a dispute with Turkey over Libya and parts of the Middle East, has deployed ships to the eastern Mediterranean. Erdogan has warned that he would hit back against any attack after France sent ships to help Greece. Recently, US Senators urged State Secretary Mike Pompeo and the EU to impose sanctions on key sectors of the Turkish economy for its illegal drilling operations in the eastern Mediterranean.

Bob Menendez, a ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and Democratic Senator Chris Van Hollen wrote to Pompeo, urging him to start working with the EU on a response to Turkey’s increasing provocations and illegal actions in the eastern Mediterranean.

(Image credit: AP)

Read: US Senators Call For Sanctions On Turkey Over 'illegal' Drilling In East Mediterranean

Read: Turkey Issues Advisory To Carry Out A Seismic Survey In Mediterranean


Published August 23rd, 2020 at 11:57 IST