
Updated 13:55 IST, October 8th 2020

'GOT' shooting locations that did justice to grandeur of this popular fantasy drama

The popular series 'Game of Thrones' is a fantasy drama and an adaptation of R.R. Martin's series of novels. Take a look at various GOT shooting locations.

Reported by: Nehal Gautam
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GOT shooting locations
'GOT' shooting locations that did justice to grandeur of this popular fantasy drama | Image: self

Game of Thrones is one of the most popular shows which has engaged fans with its interesting story arcs, characters with depth, and some stunning locations. The series has an international fan base and has received appreciation from the critics as well. The grandeur of Game of Thrones was a result of the scenic locations the team chose to accurately display the make-believe world. Thus, here is Game of Thrones shooting locations for fans who would like to visit those places.

GOT shooting locations

Shooting locations of GOT - Tower of Joy

Castle of Zafra, Spain


🇪🇦⚔ ʀ ᴇ ɪ ɴ ᴏ ɪ ɴ ᴇ x ᴘ ʟ ᴏ ʀ ᴀ ᴅ ᴏ ⚔ Dentro del ocaso ruge un gigante solitario. Un túmulo de imponente piedra, que atesora leyenda de paisaje viejo y épica de silencio eterno. Quizá porque el tiempo jamás escribió tu epitafio, de reino inexplorado. 🇬🇧⚔ ᴜ ɴ ᴇ x ᴘ ʟ ᴏ ʀ ᴇ ᴅ ᴋ ɪ ɴ ɢ ᴅ ᴏ ᴍ ⚔ Inside of the sunset roars a lonely giant. A tumulus of impressive stone, that accumulates legend of old landscape and epic of eternal silence. Maybe because the time ever wrote your epitaph of unexplored kingdom. #Sunset #Atardecer #Landscape #Paisaje #landscapelovers #landscapephotography #MagicalPlaces #LugaresConEncanto #GameOfThrones #JuegoDeTronos #TowerOfJoy #TorreDeLaAlegria #CastleOfZafra #CastilloDeZafra #CampilloDeDueñas #Guadalajara #CastillaLaMancha #España #Spain #total_guadalajara #igersclm #asi_es_castillalamancha #loves_castillalamancha #igersspain #ok_spain #castlesofspain .

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The Tower of Joy was seen in season 6 of GOT. Jon Snow was born here during Robert's Rebellion. The castle is located far away from the residential areas and many fans speculate that is the reason why it must have been easy for the team to shoot the crucial scene here. 

Game of Thrones shooting locations - Winterfell

Castle Ward, Ireland

shooting location of GOT

Image Source- Shutterstock

Castle Ward is located in the Northern part of Ireland in County Down. This place was shown as House Stark's home, nearer to the Wall. Many crucial scenes in the series have been shot here.

GOT shooting locations - Dragonstone

Zumaia, Spain

Dragonstone can be seen quite frequently in season 7. It was the home of House Targaryen, located in Blackwater Bay. In reality, Dragonstone scenes are shot in Ireland while the beach scenes in Zumaia.

The House of the Undying

Minceta Tower, Croatia


“One of the most prominent and most visited Dubrovnik’s protecting towers as well as the highest point of its defence system, is the Minčeta Tower. Locally known as Tvrđava Minčeta, the fortress was named after the Mencetic family who owned the ground which the tower was built upon. And it was originally built in 1319 by a local builder Nicifor Ranjina, as a strong four-sided fort after the fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Empire (1453).” . . . . #SliceOfCroatia #Croatia #Hrvatska #dubrovnik #croatiatravel #europevacations #dubrovnikoldtown #croatia_photography #Europe #croatiafullofmagic #dubrovnikcroatia #europetravel #besteuropepics #dalmatia #dalmacija #europe_greatshots #travelguide #croatiapostcards #croatiafulloflife #adriatic #visitdubrovnik #travelgram #got #lovecroatia #instacroatia#visitcroatia #welivetoexplore #crostagram #mincetatower #gameofthrones

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The House of Undying is shown in Qarth, while Daenerys is on her journey to King's Landing to take the Iron Throne. Daenerys’ scenes were filmed inside this tower in Croatia when her dragons were stolen. This is the exact place where she had some interesting visions, later understood by fans as foreshadowing.

GOT shooting locations - King’s Landing

Dubrovnik, Croatia

shooting location of GOT

Image Source- Shutterstock

This location is one of the prime locations in the series, the centre of many major events in the series like Ned Stark's beheading, King Joffery's death, to name a few.  Though many of the exteriors of nearby buildings were added through VFX. 

Beyond The Wall

Vatnajökull, Iceland

shooting location of GOT

Image Source- Shutterstock

This glacier is the second largest one in Europe and has been used as one of the important Game of Thrones shooting locations. This location is the place where the White Walkers lived, where the ice dragon came into being.

The Forests of Winterfell

Tollymore Forest Park, Ireland

This area is open for camping and hiking purposes. It is the same place where the Stark boys found a few direwolf cubs in the first episode of Game of Thrones. This location was also used as the Wildlings' camp in the later seasons.


Lokrum, Adriatic Sea

The location of Lokrum was used for shooting the scenes to represent Qarth, In Game of Thrones, the city is on the southern coast of Essos, and one of the important locations in Daenerys' journey to build her army.

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Ait Ben Haddou, Morocco

shooting location of GOT

Image Source- Shutterstock

Yunkai was used as a location for one of the three cities of Slaver's Bay and is considered a significant location. It is here that Daenerys gains one of her trusted supporters, Daario Naharis.

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Castillo de Almodóvar del Río, Spain

Castillo de Almodóvar del Río is a castle located in Córdoba and is open for tourists as well. In the series, the place is the seat of House Tyrell.

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Image Source- Snips from Game of Thrones trailer season 7

Published 13:55 IST, October 8th 2020