Updated 19:25 IST, February 17th 2021
Port Protection Cast: Get to know the people who survive the harsh life of Port Protection
Port Protection was released in 2015 and ran for a total of three successful seasons. Take a look at the original Port Protection cast.

Life Below Zero has been released as somewhat of a spinoff sequel to the original NatGeo documentary-style TV show Port Protection. Port Protection was released in 2015 and ran for a total of three successful seasons. Let's take a trip down memory lane to see the original Port Protection's cast.
Port Protection is a remote place in Alaska with a very low population. Only the most adaptable and hardcore choose to live there because of the harsh living conditions. The land is rugged and unforgiving and the landscape is filled with snow for the majority of the year. There are no advanced medical or technological services nearby so people have to do things the old fashioned way. Port Protection is surrounded by a very cold sea that makes life even more difficult. There have often been rumours that a Port Protection cast member dies, the only member who passed away that we could verify Jack Mason and he died of old age.
Port Protection Cast
Gary Muehlberger
Gary Muehlberger has been part of the place of Port Protection for nearly four decades. Gary is a respected member of the community and his self taught survival skills are second to none. He also passes off his knowledge to the youngsters of the community. He is the best trapper in all of Port Protection, and usually always carries trapping gear wherever he goes. He is also the proud owner of a 100-year-old finishing vessel called The Margaret.
Litzi Botello
Litzi Botello is another senior cast member of the show who has been part of the Port Protection community for about 40 years now. She has quite the sad backstory, as she lost one of her hands in an accident. She also lost her sons, one of whom passed away in a car accident recently. She's friends with Gary and often accompanies him on his fishing trips.
Amanda Makar
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Amanda on Port Protection was a fiercely independent woman who had taught herself hunting and trapping. She owned her skip on the show and worked hard to survive and pay off her debts to society. She was a much younger part of the cast than the rest and it made her somewhat relatable to the audience.
Mary Miller
Mary Miller grew up in a city, but she had a strong innate desire to get away from the world technology and high-density cities so she moved to Port Protection for a more peaceful life. She's an excellent hunter and proficient with the gun. She loves to adventure and go hunting on her own.
Published 19:25 IST, February 17th 2021