Updated April 28th, 2024 at 23:38 IST

Millennial Women Facing Pelvic Health Challenges - Ways To Prevent It

Many factors—including family history, pregnancy, menopause, weight, and smoking history—can lead to pelvic pain.

Pelvic health | Image:Unsplash

Recent findings from a comprehensive study conducted by Origin, in collaboration with market research leader Ipsos, highlight an unexpected trend: a significant number of millennial women are grappling with pelvic health issues, according to a Vogue report. This demographic, aged between 18 and 59, shows similar or higher incidences of such problems compared to their Generation X counterparts, challenging the common perception that pelvic health concerns predominantly affect older women.

Understanding pelvic health

The survey, which sheds light on a topic often overlooked in women's health, reveals that 80 per cent of the participants, many of whom are millennials, report difficulties related to pelvic health. These challenges include bladder issues, such as frequent urges to urinate and trouble completely emptying the bladder. Additionally, more than half of the millennial respondents experience urinary leakage triggered by coughing, laughing, or physical activity. The study also points to more millennials than Gen Xers suffering from pain during intercourse and difficulties with achieving orgasm.

Image credit: Pinterest
Image credit: Pinterest

One primary factor contributing to these conditions, especially stress urinary incontinence, is childbirth, including both vaginal and C-section deliveries. The resulting scar tissue can affect the abdominal pelvic region, leading to improper pressure distribution and weakened core and pelvic floor muscles, making it difficult to control leakage.


The research also delves into the psychological impacts linked to pelvic floor tightness among millennials. High levels of stress, anxiety, and depression, exacerbated by the post-Covid era, are prevalent within this group and have a profound effect on their pelvic health. These emotional states are strongly associated with increased bladder urgency and frequency, further complicating the challenges these women face.

Addressing these health issues is crucial not only for physical well-being but also for mental health. The distress of experiencing incontinence can, in turn, heighten anxiety levels, creating a cyclical problem that affects overall quality of life. This study marks a critical step in acknowledging and addressing the unique health needs of millennial women, paving the way for more targeted and effective treatments.


Published April 28th, 2024 at 23:38 IST