Updated May 5th, 2024 at 12:59 IST

What Is Near Infrared Sauna? Benefits And Mechanism Of This Therapy

Let's talk about some of the remarkable benefits of near infrared sauna therapy that Samantha Ruth Prabhu mentioned.

What Is Near Infrared Sauna? | Image:Freepik

Samantha Ruth Prabhu recently posted a story on her Instagram, talking about the benefits of near infrared sauna. This therapy has become extremely popular for its many health benefits and therapeutic effects on the body. Using near infrared light, these saunas penetrate deep into the skin, promoting relaxation, detoxification, and rejuvenation. Let's talk about some of the remarkable benefits of near infrared sauna therapy that Samantha mentioned.

Improved circulation to the muscles

Near infrared sauna therapy helps increase blood flow to the muscles, delivering oxygen and nutrients more efficiently. This improved circulation can enhance muscle recovery, reduce stiffness, and promote overall muscle health.

Samantha Ruth Prabhu's Instagram story

Boost metabolism

Regular sessions in a near infrared sauna can help boost metabolism by increasing core body temperature and stimulating metabolic processes. This can lead to improved calorie burning, weight management, and increased energy levels.

Reduces body fat

Studies have shown that near infrared sauna therapy can help reduce body fat by promoting the breakdown of adipose tissue and enhancing metabolic activity. This can be especially beneficial for individuals looking to lose weight or improve body composition.

Increased energy

The heat generated by near infrared saunas can stimulate cellular energy production, leading to increased vitality and stamina. Many people report feeling more energized and alert after a session in the sauna.

Detoxify the body

Near infrared sauna therapy promotes sweating, which is one of the body's natural mechanisms for detoxification. Sweating helps eliminate toxins, heavy metals, and other harmful substances from the body, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Reduced cellulite

The deep penetrating heat of near infrared saunas can help break down cellulite by improving circulation, reducing fluid retention, and promoting lymphatic drainage. This can lead to smoother, firmer skin and a reduction in the appearance of cellulite.

Rejuvenates skin

Near infrared light stimulates collagen production, improves skin elasticity, and reduces wrinkles and fine lines. Regular sauna sessions can help rejuvenate the skin, leaving it looking radiant, youthful, and refreshed.

Infrared sauna | Image: Freepik

Increased strength

The heat and infrared light of the sauna can help relax muscles, increase flexibility, and improve range of motion. This can lead to enhanced strength, performance, and athletic recovery.

Enhanced sweating

Near infrared sauna therapy promotes profuse sweating, which helps flush out toxins, unclog pores, and cleanse the skin. Sweating also helps regulate body temperature and promote relaxation.

Lessens joints & muscle pain

The heat and infrared light of near infrared saunas can help alleviate joint and muscle pain by increasing circulation, reducing inflammation, and promoting relaxation. This can provide relief for conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, and muscle soreness.

Increases flexibility

Regular sessions in a near infrared sauna can help improve flexibility by relaxing muscles, loosening tightness, and improving range of motion. This can be particularly beneficial for athletes, yogis, and individuals looking to improve their flexibility and mobility.


Published May 5th, 2024 at 12:59 IST