
Updated 22:00 IST, February 18th 2020

Shivaji Jayanti status to share on WhatsApp with your friends and family

February 19, 1630, has been accepted by the Maharashtra government as the birthday of Shivaji Maharaj. Here are some Shivaji Jayanti status that you can share-

Reported by: Simran Gandhi
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shivaji jayanti status
Shivaji Jayanti status to share on WhatsApp with your friends and family | Image: self

Shivaji Jayanti, also known as Shiv Jayanti, marks the birth anniversary of the Maratha warrior king Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. It is celebrated on 19 February each year. The date of February 19, 1630, has been accepted by the Maharashtra government as the birthday of Shivaji Jayanti. Here are some of the best WhatsApp status you can forward to your friends and family, in honor of Shivaji Jayanti.

Shivaji Jayanti whatsapp status

  • Talwari Tar Saglyanchya Hatat Hotya, Takat Tar Saglyanchya Mangatat Hoti, Pan SWARAJYA Sthapanyachi Icchha Fakt “MARATHI” Raktatach Hoti.. “JAI BHAVANI JAI SHIVAJI” 

  • Maratha Chatrapati Aamucha Vansh, Maratha Aamuchi Jaat..!

  • Jo Karel Maharashtracha Ghaat Tyachya Kamret Ghalu Lath; Jay Shivaji Jay bhawani

  • Talwari Taar Saglyaanchya Hataat Hotya. Takat Taar Saglyaanchya Mangataat Hoti

  • Pan SWARAJYA Sthaapanyachi Icchha Fakt MARATHI Raktaatach Hoti.!! Happy Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti !! 

  • Proud Pratap Purandar Kshatriyakulavatamsh Simhasanadhisvar Maharajadiraj Shivchatrapati Maharaj Ki Jay Happy Shivaji Jayanti to all

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  • Aabalachi sath hay ! kalakhachi rat hay ! pativar shivaji maharajancha hat hay!.......jay bhawani ! jay shivaji!

  • If we can take inspiration from the live of Shivaji then it will be the best thing we can do for our lives…. Best wishes on Shivaji Jayanti to you.

  • Let us promise ourselves that we will create an India which Shivaji dreamt of to make Shivaji Jayanti really special for him.

  • Inspiration, courage, commitment, dedication…. For him, everything started with love for his country…. Happy Shivaji Jayanti.

  • Shivaji Jayanti is not just a festival but it taking inspiration from Shivaji to be like him in some way…. Best wishes on Shivaji Jayanti.

  • Shivaji Jayanti will always be special for every Indian because God blessed us all with a hero like Shivaji.

  • It takes great strength of mind and body to face all your enemies alone and He has that strength which made him Chatrapati Shivaji from just Shivaji.

  • It is all about the commitment you make yourself and work hard for it that brings you success in life…. Happy Shivaji Jayanti.”

  • Shivaji Jayanti is a special occasion because this day the most special hero of the nation was born

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Published 22:00 IST, February 18th 2020