
Updated 13:00 IST, January 22nd 2021

Hitman 3 dubai safe code: Here are the keypad codes for these 4 floors

Hitman 3 is the third stealth game in the Hitman trilogy and is developed and published by IO Interactive. Read on to know about the dubai safe codes.

Reported by: Saurabh Sabat
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Hitman 3 dubai safe code: Here are the keypad codes for these 4 floors | Image: self

Hitman 3 is the third stealth game in the Hitman trilogy and is developed and published by IO Interactive. Players can easily expect this title to be a good entry point into the series just as Hitman (2016) and Hitman 2. The game was made available for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Stadia, and Nintendo Switch on 20 January 2021. Here in this article, you will know about the Dubai safe code and a lot more.

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Hitman 3 Safe Code

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Hitman 3 Walkthrough for Dubai Safe Code

Here are the Hitman 3 Dubai safe codes and keypad codes:

  • Floor 00: Staff area and Atrium door code
    • Both doors on Floor 00 share the same code and you can find it close by, on a whiteboard in the Meeting Room.
    • The code is 4706.
  • Floors 02 and 03: Security Room safe
    • The safe codes for the Security Rooms on both these floors are the same. Each will contain an Evacuation Keycard that can be used on the Penthouses on Floors 04 and 05.
    • The code for both safes is 6927.
  • Floor 05: Penthouse guest bedroom safe
    • Located on the 2nd floor of the penthouse.
    • The safe code is 7465.

Hitman 3 Guide

  • At any point, if you feel like you are lost in the game, you should try out some mission stories - Completing mission stories is a good way for new players to get used to the game mechanics and to keep getting new targets for assassination.
  • Players can use the save reload features to try out new ways of completing any specific mission or objective.
  • Making use of the Instinct vision of Agent 47 - When Agent 47 is in Instinct vision, his targets will be highlighted in red, and they are going to be visible where ever they are in the level.
    • NPCs will be outlined in white
  • Keep an eye out for Red colour exclamation points - These interaction prompts will appear in white text. But players need to also see if this prompt has a white exclamation point in a red box.
    • A white exclamation point means that when Agent 47 performs this interaction action, this will get him spotted if done in front of an NPC.

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Published 13:00 IST, January 22nd 2021