Published May 20, 2024 at 1:14 PM IST

President Ebrahim Raisi Confirmed Dead: A Look At Iran's Internal Situation & Challenges | Explained

Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi confirmed dead in a fatal helicopter crash that took place Sunday. Iran - Years of mass protests against Shiite theocracy over an ailing economy & women’s rights. A hard-liner who formerly led the nation's judiciary, Raisi was viewed as a protégé of Khamenei. Raisi won Iran's 2021 presidential election (Lowest turnout in the Islamic Republic’s history). Raisi was known for the execution of 1000s of prisoners back in 1988 at the end of the Iran-Iraq war. Under Ebrahim Raisi, Iran began enriching uranium at nearly weapons-grade levels. Iran has armed Russia in its war against Ukraine & has continued arming proxy groups in the Mideast. In 2022, Mahsa Amini's death shook Iran (Woman detained for not wearing hijab/ headscarf). The months-long security crackdown killed more than 500 people and saw over 22,000 detained. In March, UN panel found Iran was responsible for 'physical violence' that led to Amini’s death. 

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