Updated July 29th, 2020 at 17:34 IST

International Tiger Day 2020 quiz: Find out amazing facts about this majestic jungle cat

International Tiger Day is celebrated across the globe on July 29. Thus, here's a fun quiz for everyone to test their knowledge about these wild predators

Reported by: Kashyap Vora
| Image:self

World Tiger Day, also popularly called International Tiger Day, is an annual celebration which is observed on July 19, to raise awareness for the conservation of tigers. World Tiger Day was created at the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit in 2010. The objective behind observing this day is to promote a global system for the protection of natural habitats of tigers and to raise awareness among the masses. Did you know India is home to 75% of the total tigers on planet earth? Here's a fun quiz for everyone to test their knowledge about this royal wild cat.

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Take up this International Tiger Day 2020 quiz to know more about these wild cats

1) Which places in India are the best for tiger-spotting?

  • Gir, Ranthambore, Tadoba
  • Ranthambore, Kanha, Tadoba

2) India is home to 75% of the world's tiger population. How many Tigers are remaining in total across the country?

  • 2967
  • 2500
  • 3100

3) Tigers are big predators, but does that mean they're slow? How fast can a tiger run at full speed?

  • 45 kilometres per hour
  • 55 kilometres per hour
  • 65 kilometres per hour

 4) What a group of tigers referred to as?

  • An ambush of tigers
  • A growl of tigers
  • A herd of tigers

5) A tiger's urine has a distinctive aroma and is used to mark off territories. Can you guess what it smells like?

  • Buttered popcorn
  • Musk
  • No smell discernable to the human nose

6) Which subspecies of tigers have webbed feet and are considered skilled swimmers?

  • Siberian
  • Sumatran 
  • Bengal

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7) White tigers typically have blue eyes. But are they a separate subspecies of tigers?

  • Yes 
  • No

 8) Which among these are the largest subspecies of tigers?

  • Sumatran 
  • Siberian
  • Bengal

9) In India, the population of tigers was 2226 in total, in 2014. Has their population increased of decreased post that?

  • Increased
  • Decreased

10) A Tiger's roar is really loud. But how loud is it? Can you guess how far can their roars be heard?

  • Three kilometres
  • Four kilometres
  • Five kilometres

11) Are tigers' stripes are as unique as a human being's fingerprints?

  • True 
  • False 

12) Tigers are deemed one of the biggest members of the cat family. So does mean that they 'purr'?

  • Yes, all the species of cats purr
  • No, big cat species do not purr
  • Some species of cats purr while some don't

13) Tigers are known to exhibit some amazing traits that make it very different from its cousins like the lion, puma and other big cats. Which of the following is true?

  • Tigers can imitate the call of other animals
  • Tigers are known to roar before they attack
  • Tigers mate all through the year
  • Tigers squabble over their kill, often leading to fights

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  1. Ranthambore, Kanha, Tadoba
  2. 2967
  3. 65 kilometres per hour
  4. An ambush of tigers
  5. Buttered popcorn
  6. Sumatran 
  7. Yes 
  8. Bengal
  9. Increased
  10. Three kilometres
  11. True 
  12. No, big cat species do not purr
  13. Tigers can imitate the call of other animals

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Published July 29th, 2020 at 17:34 IST