
Published 18:37 IST, October 16th 2020

Cold War Beta not working: Players complaint about the new COD Black Ops game

Cold War Beta has been live now but the players are currently not able to lay the game. Makers have not announced anything about the issues reported. Read

Reported by: Sahil Mirani
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Cold War Beta not working: Players complaint about the new COD Black Ops game | Image: self

COD Cold War Beta version is live to play for all the PS4 players. The makers have been making a number of changes to the game, which has been getting a response from their players. They recently made a number of changes to the gameplay of COD Cold War Beta. But the players have not been able to experience these new changes as the game is not working. Read more to know about COD Cold War beta not working. 

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Cold War Beta not working?

A huge number of players have been reporting that Cold War Beta version is not working. They have been facing a number of different issues and have been sharing their views on the internet. Ideally, if there is a huge problem, the makers certainly address the problem through their Twitter accounts.

Currently, they have not released anything on their social media about the same. Ideally, the game should be fixed in some hours as a huge team has been working on improving the Cold War Beta version since it was launched. See some fan reactions about their Cold War beta version not working properly. 

How to Download Cold War beta?

Players are also asking how to download Cold War Beta. It is going to be available on PS store so the players can directly add it to their library. The makers have announced that the players can begin pre-loading the game on Thursday, September 17 at 8 AM PT / 11 AM ET.

The open Cold War beta will be around 25 GB. The makers have announced that the official beta will be released for all the PS4 players for no additional cost. They have even announced the players will get to play the game for two weeks. Here are the dates of Cold War Beta.

  •  Week 1: October 8 – October 12. This is going to be PlayStation 4 Exclusive
  • Week 2: October 15 to Monday, October 19. For all platforms.

The COD Cold War Beta was released from October 8 - till October 12. After this week, the makers have decided to release the second round of Cold War beta on October 15 till October 19. So everyone can start playing the upcoming COD Cold War beta. 

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Also Read | COD Cold War Gets Few Changes After Giving A Week Of Beta Access To The Players

Updated 18:37 IST, October 16th 2020