Published Oct 25, 2023 at 8:20 PM IST

Families Of Israeli Hostages Rally Outside UN

Relatives of some of the Israeli hostages being held by Hamas in Gaza rallied outside the UN headquarters on Tuesday. The demonstrators laid 200 pairs of shoes to show solidarity with each hostage. Ronen Neutra, father of Omer Neutra who is being held hostage in Gaza, said, "The presentation behind us represents 220 families, 220 families that can't sleep at night because they don't know. What's the status of their kids, their parents, their babies?" Ruby Chen, the father of another hostage, Itay Chen, also shared his grief, "I urge each and every one of you to think as a parent rather than down some down child. What would you do? We will tell you. 18 days you don't know without a loved one is alive, dead, getting fed where he slept."

Published October 25th, 2023 at 20:20 IST

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