Published Nov 28, 2023 at 11:17 AM IST

Doctor Working In Gaza Hospitals Tells His Story

A British-Palestinian surgeon working for medical charity Doctors Without Borders has given a harrowing account of his time spent in hospitals in Gaza City at the height of the latest war between Israel and Hamas. During his time at Shifa Hospital, Gaza's largest, Abu-Sittah said "it became apparent that 40 to 45% of all the wounded were going to be children." He recounted to journalists in London that "one of the most horrific scenes" he witnessed in Shifa was the staff “running frantically in the emergency department, looking at the faces of the wounded and the dead to see whether their relatives had been amongst them.” Abu-Sittah's comments came as Israel and Hamas prepared for a fourth exchange of militant-held hostages for Palestinians imprisoned by Israel, as mediators seek to extend a cease-fire in Gaza that is set to expire after Monday.


Published November 28th, 2023 at 11:17 IST

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