Published Oct 18, 2023 at 4:30 PM IST

Macron Slams Hamas for Holding Hostages

In a resolute and unequivocal statement, French President Emmanuel Macron has strongly criticized the militant group Hamas for its practice of holding hostages. President Macron's condemnation underscores his commitment to human rights, international norms, and the principles of peace and security in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Hamas's hostage-taking actions have been a cause for international concern, and Macron's public denouncement adds a significant diplomatic weight to the ongoing discourse. His statement emphasizes the urgent need for a peaceful resolution to the protracted conflict, encouraging all parties involved to prioritize dialogue and reconciliation over tactics that exacerbate tensions. By taking this firm stance, President Macron aligns France with the global call for a negotiated settlement to the crisis, reinforcing the importance of respecting human rights and international law even in the face of complex geopolitical challenges. Macron's words underscore his commitment to advancing peace and stability in the region.

Published October 18th, 2023 at 16:30 IST

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